COVID19 Guidance
We are all going to have to play our part to ensure participating in the sport is as safe as possible for everyone.
Below outlines the steps and actions being implemented to ensure this:
Do not attend if you have any symptom!
Complete a self-assessment​ form before travel
Do not attend if you have been in contact with a positive case in the last 2 weeks until you return a negative PCR test.
Scan NHS Track and Trace QR code if you have NHS COVID-19 app installed before rowing
Wash and or sanitise hands before touching any equipment (boat, pins, oars etc.)
Disinfect all surfaces and equipment before use (wear gloves if required)
Wearing of face coverings is a personal choice on land or water
Disinfect all surfaces and equipment after use (wear gloves if required)
Do not attend if you have any symptom!
Complete a self-assessment form before travel
Do not attend if you have been in contact with a positive case in the last 2 weeks until you return a negative PCR test.
Scan NHS Track and Trace QR code if you have NHS COVID-19 app installed before rowing
Wash and or sanitise hands before touching any equipment (boat, pins, oars etc.)
Disinfect all surfaces and equipment before use (wear gloves if required)
Wearing of face coverings is a personal choice on land or water
Disinfect all surfaces and equipment after use (wear gloves if required)
The Club
Advice all rowers and coxswains of the COVID-19 risk assessment published
Prevent people who have been exposed to someone with a positive test or has shown symptoms from booking onto a training session
Maintain training session records for track and trace for 21 day after each session using booking system and self-assessment forms
If someone who has attended a training session or event within the last 14 days has tested positive for COVID-19. Implement NHS Track and Trace procedures